搜尋:fan she 在 水墨 分類當中


明人便面畫冊(四) 冊 明趙文俶墨梅

明人便面畫冊(四) 冊 明趙文...

of Wen Cheng-ming). She married the scholar Chao Ling-chün (1591-1640) of Wu-chung. Clever.....more

清許良標芭蕉美人圖 軸

清許良標芭蕉美人圖 軸

, a beautiful lady holding a fan sits on an ornamental garden rock. In a pose of serene contemplation, she.....more

宋人宮沼納涼圖 軸

宋人宮沼納涼圖 軸

sits leisurely on the platform. A servant behind her holds a large round fan decorated with phoenixes.....more

清線繡梵方圓成 冊 龍女受經

清線繡梵方圓成 冊 龍女受經

intelligent. She was able to understand the abstruse, esoteric teachings of the Lotus Sutra and in an instant.....more

宋元名繪 冊 元人畫招涼仕女

宋元名繪 冊 元人畫招涼仕女

robe glances back over her shoulder as she strolls. On either side are two maidservants with hair bound.....more

紈扇畫冊 冊 明曹妙清折枝花卉

紈扇畫冊 冊 明曹妙清折枝花卉

選自「紈扇畫冊」。&*Ts'ao Miao-ch'ing, a native of Hangchow, excelled at music. She was also versatile.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

after the Ch’ing takeover and became a member of the Ming loyalist Fu-she Society. He was by nature.....more

明文伯仁松岡竹塢圖 軸

明文伯仁松岡竹塢圖 軸

style name was Te-ch’eng, his sobriquets Wu-feng, Pao-sheng and She-shan lao-nung. He followed Wang.....more


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