搜尋:cascades 在 水墨 分類當中


元朱德潤雨山喧瀑 軸

元朱德潤雨山喧瀑 軸

rise in the distance; towers and pavilions can be seen concealed among them. A waterfall cascades.....more

明宋旭雲巒秋瀑圖 軸

明宋旭雲巒秋瀑圖 軸

seem to bow to one another across the torrent separating them.Through the gorge water cascades down.....more

明沈周畫松岩聽泉圖 軸

明沈周畫松岩聽泉圖 軸

a pair of pine trees and listens to a waterfall. The water cascades from a great height, twisting.....more

明居節畫江南春 軸

明居節畫江南春 軸

depicts waves and mountains, delicate grasses and luxuriant vegetation. A waterfall cascades from.....more

明文徵明千巖競秀 軸

明文徵明千巖競秀 軸

and cascades. Two figures are shown sitting below a tree with a servant boy to the side holding a lute.....more

明唐寅觀瀑圖 軸

明唐寅觀瀑圖 軸

cascades straight down, then divides into streams which twist and turn, finally collecting together.....more

唐王維千岩萬壑 卷

唐王維千岩萬壑 卷

, mountain streams, cascades, springs, pavilions, bridges, and villages. The forms of the mountains.....more

清陳書看雲對瀑圖 軸

清陳書看雲對瀑圖 軸

and figures. A waterfall cascades from a high cliff while clouds girdle the mountains below.....more

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月

of the courtyard faces the craggy precipices as rapid cascades flow under a curved bridge. Trees.....more

五代梁關仝秋山晚翠 軸

五代梁關仝秋山晚翠 軸

To. Included is a range of soaring peaks, between which are cascades. The path in the corner appears.....more

宋李成寒江釣艇 軸

宋李成寒江釣艇 軸

中鋒,細密穩健。 &*Above a river bank, a waterfall cascades into the depths of a ravine. Several pines rise.....more

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

is very distinctive. The wisteria and maple leaves, as well as the glistening cascades of water.....more

明沈周畫雪景 軸

明沈周畫雪景 軸

difference is that one is brown, the other black. A waterfall cascades from a grotto in the cliff.....more


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