搜尋:canopy 在 水墨 分類當中


民國吳青霞仕女 冊頁

民國吳青霞仕女 冊頁

. The branches of the willow tree above droop downward to form a shady canopy. A short tree underneath.....more

清惲壽平寫生墨妙 冊 荷花

清惲壽平寫生墨妙 冊 荷花

painters of the Ch’ing. Here, blossoms emerge from the canopy of leaves. Dry and wet strokes.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明李士達山林人物 

明人畫扇 冊 明李士達山林人物...

under a canopy of peach blossoms on a spring evening. Some of them unroll sheets of paper to compose.....more

清金廷標竹溪六逸 軸

清金廷標竹溪六逸 軸

at court. Under slender bamboo by a stream as well as a canopy of red leaves, a group of six scholars.....more

清繡線佛像(七)釋迦牟尼佛 軸

清繡線佛像(七)釋迦牟尼佛 軸

is a canopy of jewels below a cloud. The two great disciples of Shâkyamuni appear in front.....more

清丁觀鵬太平春市圖 卷

清丁觀鵬太平春市圖 卷

monkey, a model boat prop, a stage canopy, peddlers and wares, and people milling about. Including.....more


canopy 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋