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共找到 32 筆符合的資料
元曹善書山海經(一) 冊
followed the styles of the two Wangs. His brother, Ts'ao Shih-ch'ang, and brother's son, Ts'ao Kung.....more
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元曹善書山海經(二) 冊
五年),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan (style name Shih-liang, sobriquet Shu-san-sheng.....more
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元曹善書山海經(三) 冊
),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan (style name Shih-liang, sobriquet Shu-san-sheng) was a native.....more
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元曹善書山海經(四) 冊
),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan (style name Shih-liang, sobriquet Shu-san-sheng) was a native.....more
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清錢載畫墨梅御題 軸
and died 1793. His style name was K’un-i and his sobriquets Tuo-shih, P’ao-tsun, and Wan-sung Chü.....more
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元陶復初畫秋林小隱 軸
襍沓,微覺細碎。&*T'ao Fu-ch'u was a native of T'ien-tai, Chekiang. His style name was Ming-pen; his.....more
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明彭年臨蘇軾歸去來辭 卷
script was done by P'eng as a copy of Su Shih's version of Homecoming, originally by T'ao Yuan-ming.....more
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明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 石竹
西畸,康熙三年(一六六四)進士。善書、工畫,有名於時。 本幅繪坡陀上,湖石挺立,石竹、野卉參差於後。湖石迨以墨筆出之,花卉則敷染生動,與泥金紙相互輝映,倍覺富麗中不失秀雅之氣。 &* Ts’ao.....more
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明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 野卉秋蟲
畫,加上落筆快捷銳利,而且顏色鮮豔,所以整件作品,能在華麗當中,散發出繽紛的視覺美感。 &* Ts’ao Yu-kuang, originally a native of Soochow, later.....more
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宋李公麟人物真蹟 卷
depicts a series of anecdotes from the life of T’ao Yüan-ming. The section displayed here shows him.....more
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元人雜書 卷 虞集書翰
. In the right room he wrote T’ao Yuan-ming poems on the wall; therrfore, it was called T’ao-an. In the left room.....more
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清石濤自寫種松圖小照 卷
一六七四年。畫松竹林野之間,手執鋤頭的青年石濤坐在松前,意態悠閒。乾渴的筆墨與清晰的線條性在畫家早年風格中常見。本幅為羅家倫先生捐贈。&*Shih-t'ao was a descendant.....more
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清石濤黃山潔空金碧圖 軸
for their achievements were Hung-jen, Shih-t’ao and Mei Ch’ing. It is said that “Shih-t’ao got.....more
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