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共找到 220 筆符合的資料
唐閻立本竹林五君圖 軸
was a native of Yü-lin, Sui-yüan. During the reign of T'ai-tsung (627-649), he.....more
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明文臺香象皈依圖 軸
軀拉長,巨石造形怪異,菩薩衣紋和白象的皮褶又似平行的線條表現,頗具變形之趣。全作筆墨高古,富於變化。 &* Wen T’ai (style name Yün-ch’eng.....more
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宋蘇漢臣灌佛戲嬰 軸
。每位童子神情專注,描繪栩栩如生。全圖設色明麗,筆墨精到。幅上並無作者款印,舊傳為宋蘇漢臣之作。&*Su Han-ch'en was a native of the Northern Sung.....more
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元曹善書山海經(四) 冊
in carrying out affairs so he did not fare well in society. During the reign of Ming T'ai-tsu (r. 1368-1398.....more
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清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸
染山,隨意加減,自具變化。據幅上作者款題,此畫成於康熙辛巳(西元一七0一年),乃作者六十歲之作。 &*Wang Yüan-ch’i, native to T’ai-ts’ang.....more
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明劉原起靈巖積雪圖 軸
四世孫文柟楷書靈巖記。 &* Liu Yüan-ch’i was a native of what is now Soochow. Gifted at poetry and painting.....more
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宋蘇漢臣畫五瑞圖 軸
間又進畫院復職。師劉宗古,工畫道釋,人物臻妙,尤善嬰孩。&*Su Han-ch'en was a native of K'ai-feng, Honan. He was employed.....more
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藝林清賞 冊 清小癡泰岱瞻雲圖
of the east, Mt. T’ai. A pine forest and monasteries are nestled in the stretch of mountains shrouded.....more
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明人扇頭畫 冊 明孫克弘梅竹
-hung (1533-1611) Ming Dynasty Sun K’o-hung (tzu Ch’ung-chih, hao Hsüeh-chu) was a native of Hua.....more
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宋陳居中無量壽佛像 軸
,兩眼凝視。若據畫上之乾隆題記,此佛乃為無量壽佛,然此如來手持一鉢,其恐為釋迦而非無量壽佛。&*Ch'en Chu-chung was a Painter- in -Attendant.....more
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元曹善書山海經(一) 冊
in society. During the reign of Ming T'ai-tsu (r. 1368-1398), Sung Lien recommended Ts'ao Shan many.....more
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元曹善書山海經(二) 冊
in carrying out affairs so he did not fare well in society. During the reign of Ming T'ai-tsu (r. 1368.....more
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元曹善書山海經(三) 冊
in carrying out affairs so he did not fare well in society. During the reign of Ming T'ai-tsu (r. 1368-1398.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 明孫克弘芙蓉
ün-chih, sobriquet Hsüeh-chü), a native of Sung-chiang (modern Shanghai), possessed.....more
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