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共找到 220 筆符合的資料
宋蘇軾書歸去來辭 卷
; sobriquet Tung-p'o chü-shih)was a native of Mei-shan, Szechwan. He was given the posthumous.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...
-ch'ing(709-785)and Yang Ning-shih(873-957), his calligraphy not inferior to that of Li Yung(678.....more
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清王鑑倣黃公望山水 軸
例。畫中雲巒煙樹,野屋溪橋,全境真如右方邊綾王文治所跋,此畫得宿雨初收,曉煙未泮之意。 &* Wang Chien was a native of T’ai-ts’ang in Kiangsu.....more
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明仇英臨宋元六景 冊
. Ch'iu Ying was from T'ai-ts'ang, Kiangsu. His style-name was Shih-fu; his sobriquet, Shih-chou.....more
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五代後蜀滕昌祐牡丹 軸
dynasty master T'eng Ch'ang-yu, is a depiction of a Lake T'ai rock and peonies. The rock.....more
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宋十二名家法書 冊 李建中書諮
, the letter mentions the site "Ch'üeh-men, Hsin-an" (modern Mt. Ch'ueh-men, Hsin-an County, Honan.....more
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宋劉松年十八學士圖 卷
, this work is attributed to Liu Sung-nien. When the T'ang emperor T'ai-tsung (r. 627-649) founded the Hall.....more
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清王原祁晴翠浮嵐 軸
個畫面,小橋聯繫兩岸,引人步入村中。湖山深曠,曲折中頗令人興起清遠的感覺。 &* Wang Yűan-ch’i, tzu (style name) Mao-ching, hao (sobriquet.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋馮大有太液荷風
of this leaf includes the characters “T'ai-yeh,” which is found in Feng-ch’an shu of Records.....more
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民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸
神氣勢了無遜色。所以靜老不禁自贊:「此不知何年習作簡書,放大書之,居然能不失漢人筆意」。 本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。 &* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien.....more
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明陳洪綬畫梅花山鳥 軸
。 梅幹盤曲,糾錯轉出奇石之後。枝椏上梅花繁生,一山鳥棲歇其間,造型富趣味性,頗有作者自出之意。花以鉤勒填彩法畫成,線條遒勁穩定,傅彩濃淡得宜,朵朵圓實珠潤,奇巧可愛。&*Ch’en Hung-shou.....more
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清元濟王原祁合作蘭竹 軸
of T'ai-ch'ang in Kiangsu Province, was one of the Four Wangs of the Early Ch'ing. In this work.....more
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五代南唐巨然溪山林藪圖 軸
to that of Chiang Shen (fl. early 12th c.). Chü-jan was a monk at the K'ai-yüan Temple. With the fall.....more
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