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共找到 37 筆符合的資料
明文徵明花卉 冊 南國聯芬
have an alluring fragrance. Here, they were done in the “ink outline (pai-miao)” method, in which.....more
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清金廷標畫柳陰童戲 軸
life, sometimes employing chiaroscuro effects. He also painted in pai-miao ink-outline mode.....more
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明文徵明花卉 冊 洛浦凌波
. On this leaf, the narcissus is painted in the pai-miao ink-outline mode and provides an interesting.....more
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宋李公麟人物真蹟 卷
of technique, the scroll is executed in the “uncolored outline” ( pai-miao ) method, a method in which.....more
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明丁雲圖羅漢 冊 羅漢(七)
of the human figures are in the pai-miao (plain-line) manner and are like "running clouds.....more
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清金廷標畫人物 冊 秋林牧笛
to the court an album of Lohans painted in the pai-miao (ink-outline) manner. Consequently he was summoned.....more
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清金廷標瑤圃採芝圖 軸
south, Chin presented him with an album of Lohan in pai-miao (ink outline) and was subsequently given.....more
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清金廷標吹簫召鶴 軸
painter of figure and floral subjects. He presented an album of Lohan painted in pai-miao (outline.....more
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清金廷標松陰牧馬 軸
. He presented an album of Lohans painted in the pai-miao (outline drawing) style to the Ch’ien-lung.....more
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元張渥畫十六臂大士像 軸
(活動於十四世紀中期)的款題,不過和張渥的真蹟「九歌圖」比較,發現這軸大士像的衣紋線條缺乏瀟灑飄逸的韻致,應該不是張渥的親筆。&*This work done in the pai-miao.....more
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明丁雲鵬十八應真像 軸
drawing style (pai-miao) of Li Kung-lin (1049-1106) from the Sung dynasty. He is considered a late.....more
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