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共找到 43 筆符合的資料
清弘?墨筆叢岩疊翠 軸
&* Hung Wu (surname Ai-hsin chüeh-Io [Aisin Gioro], style names Shu-chai and Tsui-yü.....more
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清程志道摹丁雲鵬羅漢 卷
-tao Ch’ing dynasty Ch’eng Chih-tao (tzu, Yu-ch’uan) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. The dates.....more
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明吳偉畫北海真人像 軸
畫的佳作。幅上有沈周的長題,筆法穩健,體勢挺拔。書畫二者兩相輝映,超逸絕倫。&*Sage of the Northern Sea Wu Wei (1459-1508) Ming Dynasty Wu.....more
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清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖
painter Ch’en Hung-shou (15998-1652), and their styles of art were similar. Aloof and proud by nature, Ch.....more
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明陳洪綬畫隱居十六觀 冊
隱居雅趣的畫前,題詩抒發感時傷暮的心境。這些清瘦、飄逸,像蘭葉一般的撇筆與捺筆畫,散發出細膩、優雅的氣質。(副葉之隱居十六觀自題)&*Ch'en Hung-shou was a “scholar.....more
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明崔子忠桐陰博古圖 軸
time, he was associated with Ch’en Hung-shou---they were known together as “Ch’en of the South.....more
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歷朝畫幅集冊 冊 宋周位淵明逸...
in painting. Early in the Hung-wu reign (1368-1398), he was summoned to court and he did landscape.....more
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明朱芾蘆洲聚雁圖 軸
-chou-sheng) was a native of Hua-t'ing, Kiangsu. Early during the Hung-wu period (1368-1398), he held.....more
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明陳洪綬喬松仙壽圖 軸
,線條用筆圓勁中鋒。松、石造型規律,頗富圖案裝飾趣味。 &*Chang-hou, Ch’en Hung-shou was a native of Chu-chi, Chekiang. In his.....more
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