搜尋:C? 在 水墨 分類當中


宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

。(20061206)&*Ts'ai Hsiang, style name Chün-mo, was a native of Hsien-yu, Fukien. In his practice.....more

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘 

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘...

-Shen-tsung, Che-tsung, Hui-tsung, and Ch'in-tsung. In that of Emperor Hui-tsung(r.1101-1125), he served.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋朱熹致教授學士尺牘

宋賢書翰 冊 宋朱熹致教授學士...

learning than his calligraphy. The text of this piece refers to Ch'ang-sha, indicating.....more

明文徵明雪滿群峰 軸

明文徵明雪滿群峰 軸

very successfully the atmosphere’s icy purity. Wen Cheng-ming was a native of Ch’ang-chou in Kiangsu.....more

元吳鎮墨竹譜 冊

元吳鎮墨竹譜 冊

the works of Chü-jan (f1. ca. 960-80) as his model, Wu Chen was able to establish a distinctly.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

. Tuan Ch'eng-wu (9th c.), in his Yu-yang tsa-tsu, wrote that only the T'ung-tzu Temple.....more

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

but soft peaks with hemp-fiber texture strokes are in the 10th century Tung Yüan and Chü-jan.....more

元王淵松亭會友圖 軸

元王淵松亭會友圖 軸

). He followed the style of Huang Ch'üan for birds-and-flowers, that of Kuo Hsi for landscapes.....more

元王蒙具區林屋 軸

元王蒙具區林屋 軸

Meng-fu. He followed the styles of Wang Wei, Tung Yüan, and Chü-jan and established one.....more

元吳鎮漁父圖 軸

元吳鎮漁父圖 軸

. Adopting the works of Chü-jan (f1.ca. 960-980) as his model, Wu Chen was able to establish.....more

元吳鎮篔簹清影圖 軸

元吳鎮篔簹清影圖 軸

, was gifted at poetry, prose, painting, and calligraphy. In painting landscapes, he followed chü-jan (fl.....more

元盛懋秋林高士圖 軸

元盛懋秋林高士圖 軸

under Ch'en Lin, but he was able to establish a style of his own as his skill matured. This work.....more

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

。 &*Ch'-jan, a native of Chung-ling during the Southern T'ang dynasty, was a monk of the K'ai-y'an .....more

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

as magistrate of Shou-ch'un in the last years of the Eastern Han and was honored and respected for his ideals.....more

宋人溪山暮雪 軸

宋人溪山暮雪 軸

)&*The title of this work was given by the editors of the Ch'ing dynasty imperial art catalogue Treasured.....more


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