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U Theatre The Sound of ocean
件 型式:文字、靜態圖象 BITE優表演藝術劇團 U Theatre The Sound of ocean 摘要:聽海之心英文簡介。,100 minutes of 100 per cent aural.....more
- 1/5
The Sound of Ocean
╱週刊 藏品層次:單件 型式:文字、靜態圖象 The Silk Roads優表演藝術劇團 The Sound of Ocean 摘要:聽海之心英文簡介。,The Sound of Ocean.....more
- 2/5
The Sound of Ocean
╱雜誌╱週刊 藏品層次:單件 型式:文字、靜態圖象 ORIENIE OCCIDENTE優表演藝術劇團 The Sound of Ocean 摘要:優劇場義大利文簡介。,La compagnia U.....more
- 3/5
The Sound Of Ocean
:2003-09-01 剪報 藏品層次:單件 型式:文字、靜態圖象 RADIOmultikulti prasentiert優表演藝術劇團 The Sound Of Ocean 摘要:德文聽海之心報導。,Der.....more
- 4/5
Summoning The Ocean, In Sounds...
:The Sound of Ocean, performed by the U Theatre on Tuesday night at the Harvey Theater in the Next Wave.....more
- 5/5