搜尋:Latin cross 在 台灣墓碑 分類當中


Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Ruishuixiang, very south of Xian, Ami and Han, east of Highway 9. The tombstone-ID is 12522; 台灣,花蓮縣,瑞穗鄉,鄉的極南端,阿美族及漢人,台9號東邊,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

of this tombstone are carved, and they are gold, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements.....more

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Ruishuixiang, very south of Xian, Ami and Han, east of Highway 9. The tombstone-ID is 12522; 台灣,花蓮縣,瑞穗鄉,鄉的極南端,阿美族及漢人,台9號東邊,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

of this tombstone are carved, and they are gold, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements.....more

Tombstone of 謝 (XIE4) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Ruishuixiang, very south of Xian, Ami and Han, east of Highway 9. The tombstone-ID is 12535; 台灣,花蓮縣,瑞穗鄉,鄉的極南端,阿美族及漢人,台9號東邊,謝姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 謝 (XIE4) family ...

of this tombstone are carved, and they are gold, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements.....more

Tombstone of 謝 (XIE4) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Ruishuixiang, very south of Xian, Ami and Han, east of Highway 9. The tombstone-ID is 12535; 台灣,花蓮縣,瑞穗鄉,鄉的極南端,阿美族及漢人,台9號東邊,謝姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 謝 (XIE4) family ...

of this tombstone are carved, and they are gold, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements.....more

Tombstone of 周 (ZHOU1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10697; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,周姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 周 (ZHOU1) family...

the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top.....more

Tombstone of 周 (ZHOU1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10697; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,周姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 周 (ZHOU1) family...

the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top.....more

Tombstone of 高 (GAO1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10783; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,高姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 高 (GAO1) family ...

of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top-part.....more

Tombstone of 高 (GAO1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10783; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,高姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 高 (GAO1) family ...

of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top-part.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10869; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10869; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top.....more

Tombstone of 武 (WU3) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Maolinxiang, Wanshan village. The tombstone-ID is 14351; 台灣,高雄縣,茂林鄉,萬山村,武姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 武 (WU3) family a...

of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (religion & cross). ; 這是一個在台灣,高雄縣,茂林鄉,萬山村發現的.....more

Tombstone of 戴 (DAI4) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Maolinxiang, Wanshan village. The tombstone-ID is 14349; 台灣,高雄縣,茂林鄉,萬山村,戴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 戴 (DAI4) family ...

is the focus. The focused element here is (cross). ; 這是一個在台灣,高雄縣,茂林鄉,萬山村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上.....more

Tombstone of 潘 (PAN1) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Maolinxiang, Dona village. The tombstone-ID is 14454; 台灣,高雄縣,茂林鄉,多納村,潘姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 潘 (PAN1) family ...

here is (religion & cross). ; 這是一個在台灣,高雄縣,茂林鄉,多納村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上金色, 這個墓碑上所紀載的訊息包括「種族別.....more

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Taidongxian, Beinanxiang, Zhibencun. The tombstone-ID is 2994; 台灣,台東縣,卑南鄉,知本村,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

is (religion & cross). ; 這是一個在台灣,台東縣,卑南鄉,知本村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上紅色, 這個墓碑上所紀載的訊息包括「種族別」、「人」、「日.....more

Tombstone of 石 (SHI2) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Alishanxiang, Laiji, located between settling 1 and 2, not visible from the road. The tombstone-ID is 4321; 台灣,嘉義縣,阿里山鄉,來吉,在第一和第二個村落間,從路上是看不見的,石姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 石 (SHI2) family ...

by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (religion & cross.....more

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Latin cross 在 台灣墓碑 分類當中 的相關搜尋