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共找到 2428 筆符合的資料

然科學博物館 使用聲明:館內公開瀏覽 學名原始發表文獻:Scarabino, V., 1995. Scaphopoda of the tropical Pacific and Indian.....more
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尖頭銀魚(Salanx ariakensis)
fishes of Japan. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. v. 24 (no. 1265): 567-593. 型態特徵:背鰭13~14;臀鰭25~26;胸.....more
- 2388/2428

那氏脊鯊(Cristatogobius nonato...
. v. 71: 373-377, 2 pls. 型態特徵:背鰭VI-I , 9;臀鰭I , 9;胸鰭16;縱列鱗30~31;橫列鱗12;背鰭前鱗0。 體延長而頗側扁。.....more
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小頭櫛赤鯊(Ctenotrypauchen mic...
der vischfauna van Borneo. Acta Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl. v. 8 (art. 4): 1-64. [Written Sept.....more
- 2390/2428

-2610. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes.....more
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anglerfishes). p. 2026. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide.....more
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, tuskfishes.. p. 3381-3467. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species iden 資料修訂日期:2006-10-31.....more
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科中文名:鮋科 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 Fishbase(2008);Poss, S.G. and K.V. Rama Rao, 1984. Scorpaenidae. In W.....more
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學名:Entalinopsis stellata
:Scarabino, V. (1995). Scaphopoda of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, with descriptions of 3.....more
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minutus前甲呈白色,前端中央具有2塊亮橘紅色的斑塊,“V"形缺,刻下方有1 橘紅色斑點。前甲平滑,完全無毛。螯腳左右同形,左螯腳大於右螯腳;螯腳各節無毛。雌雄腹部第二至第五腹節具有4 個不成對之雙枝型腹肢.....more
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