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:Tallow-tree,Chinese tallow-tree, Vegetable tallow Life-Form:tree, shurb烏臼學名:Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb.....more
lilac. Life-Form:tree Others:deciduous, buds and young branches brownish or white scurfy楝學名:Melia.....more
: Moraceae Chinese Name: Ficus superba (Miq.) Miq. var. japonica Miq. Alias: Fruit fig tree Life-Form: large.....more
Life-Form:deciduous tree Characteristic: Others:學名:Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 科名:柿樹科.....more
korossii Gaertn. Family Name: Sapindaceae Chinese Name: Sapindus mukorossii Gaertn. Alias: Sopa nut tree.....more
Hance Family Name: Hamamelidaceae Chinese Name: Liquidambar formosana Hance Life-Form: deciduous tree.....more
Name: Sapindaceae Chinese Name: Koelreuteria henryi Dummer Alias: Flamegold Life-Form: deciduous tree.....more
serrulatum Hayata Life-Form:tree, shrub" 葉序:對生 葉形:三角形 葉尖:漸尖 葉基:截形 葉緣:鋸齒 葉質地:紙質 葉脈:五出脈或更多 葉柄:有 托葉:無 花序位置:頂.....more
acuminatissimaInformationScientific:Acmena acuminatissima (Blume) Merr. & Perry Family:Myrtaceae life form:tree Other.....more
:Boraginaceae life form:small tree" 葉序:叢生 葉形:倒卵形 葉尖:鈍頭狀 葉基:漸尖形 葉緣:波狀 葉表毛茸上表皮:有毛 葉表毛茸下表皮:有毛 葉質地:革質 葉脈:羽狀脈 葉柄:有.....more
:Gomphandra luzoniensis (Merr.) Merr. Family:Icacinaceae life form:tree" 葉序:互生 葉形:橢圓形 葉尖:鈍頭狀 葉基:鈍形 葉緣:全緣 葉質地.....more
chittagonga Miq. Family:Meliaceae life form:tree Other:Branchlets densely silvery stellate-lepidote.蘭嶼樹蘭簡介學.....more
. Family:Moraceae life form:tree Other:With aerial roots; with milky juice.大冇榕簡介學名:Ficus septica Burm.....more
. Family:Rubiaceae life form:Tree Other:Branchlets glabrous" 葉序:對生 葉形:長橢圓形 葉尖:漸尖 葉基:漸尖形 葉緣:全緣 葉質地:厚紙.....more
ceramica R. Br. Family:Sterculiaceae life form: Tree" 葉序:互生 葉形:卵形 葉基:心形 葉緣:全緣 葉質地:厚紙質 葉脈:羽狀脈 葉柄:有 托葉:有.....more