搜尋:record 在 古籍圖書 分類當中


Record on a small collection of dragon and damselflies made by Dr. R. TAKAHASHI in Siam, Indo-china and Penang

Record on a small collection o...

典藏單位:中央研究院臺灣史研究所/國立中央圖書館臺灣分館 昭和16年9月 期刊篇目:南方資料館藏書 Michio CHÛJÔ著 Record on a small collection.....more

One hundred years history of the Chinese in Singapore : being a chronological record of the contribution by the Chinese community to the development, progress and prosperity of Singapore ; of events and incidents concerning the whole or sections of that community ; and of the lives, pursuits and public service of individual members thereof from the foundation of singapore on 6th February 1819 to its centenary on 6th February 1919

One hundred years history of t...

in Singapore : being a chronological record of the contribution by the Chinese community.....more
