搜尋:north 在 苔蘚 分類當中


拉丁學名:Sphagnum centrale C. Jens. ex Arnell.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum centrale C....

州 採集地經度:94-32' W 採集地緯度:48-20' N 棲地其他描述:Red Lake Peatland. 12.2 miles North of Tamarac River crossing.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum majus (Russ.) C. Jens.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum majus (Russ...

採集地經度:110°51' W 採集地緯度:57°11' N 採集地海拔:1880 feet elev. 棲地其他描述:4 miles north of Muskeg Mountain, North.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum angustifolium (C. Jens.) C. Jens.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum angustifoli...

拿大亞伯達省麥克默里堡 採集地經度:110°51' W 採集地緯度:57°11' N 採集地海拔:1880 feet elev. 棲地其他描述:4 miles north of Muskeg.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum strictum Sull.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum strictum Su...

:On north side of Gainesville just east of water treatment plant. Plants on moist sandy soil in open.....more

拉丁學名:Dicranum flagellare Hedw.

拉丁學名:Dicranum flagellare ...

°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp. 原編目號.....more

拉丁學名:Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum.

拉丁學名:Plagiochila asplenio...

波伊根 採集地經度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum girgensohnii Russ.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum girgensohni...

度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Thuja swamp at Hermits Clearing, west end of Reeses Bog, north.....more

拉丁學名:Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb.

拉丁學名:Thuidium recognitum ...

經度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp. 原編目號.....more

拉丁學名:Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dum.

拉丁學名:Trichocolea tomentel...

伊根 採集地經度:84°41' W 採集地緯度:45°32' N 棲地其他描述:Reeses Bog, at the north end of Burt Lake, in Thuja swamp. 原.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum papillosum Lindb.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum papillosum ...

314; Bog North of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. In small, nearly ombrotrophic bog with out tree.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum nemoreum Scop.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum nemoreum Sc...

; Bog North of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. In small, nearly ombrotrophic bog with out tree.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum majus (Russ.) C. Jens.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum majus (Russ...

Hwy 314; Bog North of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. In small, nearly ombrotrophic bog with out.....more


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