搜尋:area 在 苔蘚 分類當中


拉丁學名:Philonotis thwaitesii Mitt.

拉丁學名:Philonotis thwaitesi...

重溪 採集地經度:120°52'43" E 採集地緯度:23°39'29" N 採集地海拔:Alt. 1050 m. 棲地其他描述:On rock in open area adjacent.....more

拉丁學名:Campylopus subjugorum Broth.

拉丁學名:Campylopus subjugoru...

採集地經度:66°24' W 採集地緯度:17°14' S 採集地海拔:4500 m. 棲地其他描述:Base of Serranias Tarucani in area of Laguna.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum russowii Warnst.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum russowii Wa...

; Northeast corner of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area.On west facing granitic cliff in mesic Picea.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum papillosum Lindb.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum papillosum ...

314; Bog North of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. In small, nearly ombrotrophic bog with out tree.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum nemoreum Scop.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum nemoreum Sc...

; Bog North of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. In small, nearly ombrotrophic bog with out tree.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum fallax (Klinggr.) Klinggr.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum fallax (Kli...

, near Hwy 314; Northeast corner of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. on west facing granitic cliff.....more

拉丁學名:Plagiothecium laetum B. S. G.

拉丁學名:Plagiothecium laetum...

, near Hwy 314; Island in middle of Rawson Lake (Lake 239)-Experimental Lakes Area. Small island.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum majus (Russ.) C. Jens.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum majus (Russ...

Hwy 314; Bog North of Lake 224-Experimental Lakes Area. In small, nearly ombrotrophic bog with out.....more


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