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披薰集古 冊 明張宏畫秋江夜渡

披薰集古 冊 明張宏畫秋江夜渡

chose the subject from Song of the P’i-p’a by Po Chü-i, completing it in 1628 at the age of 51.....more

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

with an archaic yet unusual style that is detailed yet free. This work shows Ning Ch'i (fl. 7th c. BC.....more

披薰集古 冊 明文徵明山水

披薰集古 冊 明文徵明山水

. This painting is the eleventh leaf in the album P'i-hsün ch'i-ku.   文徵明(西元一四七○-一五五九年),江蘇長洲人。初名.....more

名繪集珍 冊  唐戴嵩乳牛圖

名繪集珍 冊  唐戴嵩乳牛圖

, but he was particularly famous as a painter of water-buffalo. His younger brother Tai I also earned.....more

披薰集古 冊 明鄭重畫閒窗對語

披薰集古 冊 明鄭重畫閒窗對語

harmoniously arranged as mountains rise in the distance. This is the 7th leaf from P’i-hsün chi-ku. 本幅.....more

披薰集古 冊 明丁雲鵬太極真隱

披薰集古 冊 明丁雲鵬太極真隱

. Painted by the late comer, Ting Yün-p'eng, on a summer day in the i-ch'ou year [1589]." Ting thus.....more

清惲壽平摹古 冊 牡丹

清惲壽平摹古 冊 牡丹

of P'i-ling.” Considered the equal of the “Four Wangs,” he is one of the “Ssu Wang Wu Yün.....more

五代梁關仝兩峰插雲 冊頁

五代梁關仝兩峰插雲 冊頁

of his pupil Hu I. 本幅 26.9x22.3公分 對幅 26.9x22.3公分 全幅 38.5x69公分 繪畫 關仝 五代梁關仝兩峰插雲 冊頁 故畫001234N000000001 .....more

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

are in the shape of ju-i scepters. To the other side is a square table with one side that has.....more

清焦秉貞山水 冊 桐蔭清閣

清焦秉貞山水 冊 桐蔭清閣

has I-ma san-chien lattice windows (vertical slats with 3 horizontal members), often used.....more

明呂紀秋渚水禽 軸

明呂紀秋渚水禽 軸

. The combination of meticulous brushwork (kung-pi) with expressive ideas (hsieh-i) and the use of outlining.....more

宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 冊頁

宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 冊頁

painting under Ho Hui. His abilities were noticed by the academician Kao I, who then introduced him.....more


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