搜尋:plum 在 國畫 分類當中


歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款梅雀

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款梅雀

枝,亦於此法符合。 本幅為「歷代畫幅集冊」第八幅。 In light snow and among graceful plum blossoms is perched a pair.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋惠崇寒林鴛圖

宋元名繪 冊 宋惠崇寒林鴛圖

plum tree. Its limbs are dotted with blossoms, although traces of snow still cling to the bamboo .....more

宋元名繪 冊 元盛懋松梅仕女圖

宋元名繪 冊 元盛懋松梅仕女圖

beneath an aged plum tree, above whose branches hangs a new crescent moon. Beside the plum stands an old.....more

歷代名繪 冊 明邊文進梅花幽鳥

歷代名繪 冊 明邊文進梅花幽鳥

曲虯橫出,畫中一黃眉鵐引頸顧望棲於枝上,逼眞傳神。此扇面無論題材、構圖、設色均存南宋院畫意趣;畫梅枝用筆與邊氏「三友百禽」頗為近似,畫幅上遺有「景昭」之署款。 Plum.....more

名繪集珍 冊  五代黃筌雪竹文禽

名繪集珍 冊  五代黃筌雪竹文...

plum branches appear behind snow-laden bamboo with willow trees and rocks in the foreground. Shor.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

and plum trees as well as bamboos. In the center building two men sit facing each other.....more

清冷枚春夜宴桃李園圖 軸

清冷枚春夜宴桃李園圖 軸

setting shown here, peach and plum blossoms appear in full bloom and vie in a brilliant display of red.....more

明孫克弘銷閒清課圖 卷

明孫克弘銷閒清課圖 卷

, and antiquities. He excelled at painting flowers and plants from life; he also depicted plum blossoms and bamboo.....more

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

by an old, blossoming plum tree. The boughs and trunks of the underbrush are imbued with an enduring.....more

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

by an old, blossoming plum tree. The boughs and trunks of the underbrush are imbued with an enduring.....more


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