搜尋:plants 在 國畫 分類當中


名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

the album “Collected Gems of Famous Paintings” shows two rice plants with graceful leaves bearing.....more

清惲壽平寫生 冊 青芥

清惲壽平寫生 冊 青芥

and plants. Incorporating the “boneless” wash method in his repertoire and creating a new style, he bec.....more

明孫龍寫生 冊 草石蜻蜓

明孫龍寫生 冊 草石蜻蜓

as well as plants and insects. Using only ink, he followed in the Northern Sung (960-1126) tradition.....more

清惲壽平摹古 冊 牡丹

清惲壽平摹古 冊 牡丹

of flowers and plants. He incorporated the “boneless” wash method of the Northern Sung painter Hsü.....more

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

of lotus plants. Servant boys carrying a fan and a lute make their way along the covered corridor.....more

明孫克弘銷閒清課圖 卷

明孫克弘銷閒清課圖 卷

, and antiquities. He excelled at painting flowers and plants from life; he also depicted plum blossoms and bamboo.....more

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

, plants, and birds reflect the artist's meticulous observation. This work bears no signature or sea.....more

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

宋人梅竹聚禽圖 軸

, plants, and birds reflect the artist's meticulous observation. This work bears no signature or sea.....more


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