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共找到 13 筆符合的資料
明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸
,幾近浙派風致。在唐寅、仇英,甚至較早的杜菫作品中,亦不乏類此的潑辣線條,據此,可略見當時不同畫派間交互影響的情形。 Chou Ch'en, a native of Soochow, studied.....more
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名繪集珍 冊 宋黃居寀竹石錦...
is similar to “Myriad Trees and strange Peaks “by Li T'ang (ca. 1049-after 1130). However ,the use.....more
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披薰集古 冊 明丁雲鵬太極真隱
。」故知此幀為丁氏西元一五八九年之作,時年四十三歲。 Ting Yün-p'eng (style name Nan-yu; sobriquet Sheng-hua chü-shih.....more
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名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏
, the brushwork in the middle distance appears somewhat in the Li Ch'eng-Kuo Hsi (10th-1lth cent.) manner.....more
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明唐寅倣唐人仕女 軸
(1470-1523) Ming Dynasty The subject of this work derives from the story of the courtesan Li Tuan.....more
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清丁觀鵬畫唐明皇擊鞠圖 卷
. His work presents the classic model of Ch'ing court figure painting. This painting is a pai-miao.....more
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明鄭重倣王蒙葛洪移居圖 軸
by his tzu (style name) Ch'ien-li and by his hao (sobriquet) Wu-cho. He was famous for painting Buddhist.....more
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五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁
s demoted to Pa-ling, from where he had the lookout rebuilt. He also asked the renowned scholar Fan Ch.....more
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宋高宗書女孝經馬和之補圖上卷 ...
近於理示,故宜易名為「宋人書畫女孝經」。 Ma Ho-chih, a native of Ch'ien-t'ang(modern Hangchow), served as Vice Minister.....more
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明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
, Lu Chih was teaching at Lake Ch’en when his friend Li Chao-hsiang visited him and presented him.....more
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清冷枚春夜宴桃李園圖 軸
by the West. The composition here takes from the theme of Li Po’s (701-763) “Preface to Night Banquet.....more
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宋李唐萬壑松風圖 軸
and reads, “Painted by Li T'ang of Ho-yang in spring of the chia-ch'en year [1124] of the Hsuan-ho.....more
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宋李唐萬壑松風圖 軸
and reads, “Painted by Li T'ang of Ho-yang in spring of the chia-ch'en year [1124] of the Hsuan-ho.....more
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