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共找到 3 筆符合的資料
宋元名繪 冊 元趙孟頫進馬圖
to the Sung imperial family and lived in Wu-hsing, Chekiang. His style name was Tzu-ang and his sobriquet.....more
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清鄒元斗花卉 冊 梅
, hao Ch’un-ku and Lin-wu shan-jen) was active during the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). He.....more
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宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 冊頁
覺柔和。當係屬同一畫風之作品。為宋人合璧畫冊中之一開。 Yen Wen-kuei came from the Wu-hsing district of Chekiang, During.....more
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