搜尋:an yang 在 國畫 分類當中


五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁

五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁

宮夏永「岳陽樓圖」相似。夏永(西元十四世紀中葉)字明遠,浙江錢塘人。存世畫蹟多為團扇、冊頁,畫上常自題與建築相關的詩詞。 Yüeh-yang lookout was located.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋惠崇寒林鴛圖

宋元名繪 冊 宋惠崇寒林鴛圖

of Chien-yang, Fukien. Noted for his renditions of waterfowl and birds of prey, he was especially.....more

清董誥夏山十幀 冊 松巖銷夏

清董誥夏山十幀 冊 松巖銷夏

name His-ching and sobriquets Che-lin and T’a-lin) was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. The son.....more

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

and rich in meaning. Although the painting is unsigned, there is an inscription by the Empress Yang.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

, but moved to Yang-ts'ui in Honan later. Both his personality and literary works were highly esteemed.....more

明孫克弘銷閒清課圖 卷

明孫克弘銷閒清課圖 卷

in Ying-t’ien-fu and later as Prefect of Han-yang, but lost interest in politics and returned.....more


宋李唐萬壑松風圖 軸

聲。 Li T'ang, a native of Ho-yang, is also said to have lived from about 1070 to after 1150. He.....more


宋李唐萬壑松風圖 軸

聲。 Li T'ang, a native of Ho-yang, is also said to have lived from about 1070 to after 1150. He.....more


an yang 在 國畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋