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共找到 1756 筆符合的資料
. With students and several PiN-po-hoan we sang. I preached fore- and afternoon. All Seemed pleased.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Went by boat to Go-ko-khiN. When I became covered with boils my entire body.....more
What we could for him and left leaving I hope a good impression as regards our object here laboring-- 內.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:All of us crossed over to Pat-li-hun and I preached to a full house on Mt. 7:24.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:I went with Students to the Town and preached in Chinese whilst Dr. F. spoke.....more
gone And again I must go into this dark' damp and dirty hole of a room. So be it. Tis all.....more
through the day. Called at a temple and had quite a time with one Priest. Poor fellow gone I believe.....more
. During services a man fainted and fell on the floor. I shouted for all to keep quiet' then rushed.....more
at the Fishermen hauling in their nets. Saw a fine variety when pulled ashore. " I will make you Fishers of Men.....more
we spoke of Christ etc. Who can tell? Still I lay greater stress on the Persistent Preaching.....more
behind Quanyin mountain in due time. i.e. before the sun came blazing out. Met at 7 P.M. sang late.....more
典藏單位:真理大學校史館 後設資料提供單位:真理大學宗教學系(所) 原件數位化後格式:image/jpeg 發生時間: 1875/06/27 私家文書-日記 文本 馬偕 18750627 人類學組共.....more
and boastful so I challenged him to discuss. In the midst of great 內容摘要說明:昨天的聚會成為今天街上居民談話的主題。我們拜訪的一間廟宇的和尚,他在.....more
spoke. Healed 126 patients In eve. Kau' Tan ho and I spoke Jain & Su & Mrs. Mac. here crowded all.....more
動後合影留念。初代教會會友的合影,老、中、少皆有。 A church. (I) 登錄號:AUP000054 .....more