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共找到 18 筆符合的資料

滿文:enduringge toosengga bule...
nomun 漢文:觀自在菩薩母陀羅尼經 藏文:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi yum zhes bya ba'i.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha enduringg...
maktacun 漢文:佛說聖觀自在菩薩梵讚 藏文:rgya gar skad kyi spyan ras gzigs kyi bstod pa 72函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:jilan i bulekuere tooseng...
.cbeta.org 滿文:jilan i bulekušere toosengga fusa be maktaha irgebun 漢文:讚觀世音菩薩頌 藏文:spyan ras.....more
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滿文:jilan i bulekuere tooseng...
biwanggirion bure nomun 漢文:觀世音菩薩得大勢菩薩受記經 藏文:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs lung stan pa 48函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:enduringge jilan i buleku...
maktacun 漢文:聖觀自在菩薩功德讚 藏文:spyan ras gzigs kyi bstod pa 72函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:enduringge jilan i buleku...
acabure mandel ferguwecuke tarni ilan nomun 漢文:觀世音菩薩秘密藏如意輪神咒三經 藏文:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi gsang ba.....more
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滿文:jilan i bulekuere fusa be...
mayambume geterembure tarni nomun 漢文:請觀世音菩薩消伏毒害陀羅尼咒經 藏文:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi dug.....more
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滿文:umesi bolgo jilan i bulek...
toktobun tarni nomun 漢文:清淨觀世音菩薩普賢陀羅尼經 藏文:spyan ras gzigs kun tu bzangs po zhes bya.....more
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滿文:enduringge jilan i buleku...
jakūn gebu yongkiyaha toktobun tarni nomun 漢文:聖觀自在菩薩一百八名經 藏文:'phags pa sbyan ras.....more
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滿文:mujilen de acabure kurdun...
hūlara doro 漢文:觀自在菩薩如意輪瑜伽念誦法 藏文:spyan ras gzigs yid bzhin 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs 73函 滿文 .....more
- 10/18

滿文:enduringge jalan bulekuer...
yog'a be urebume yabure kooli durun 漢文:聖觀自在菩薩心真言瑜伽觀行軌儀 藏文:spyan ras gzigs kyi.....more
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滿文:minggan galangga minggan ...
eme beyengge tarni nomun 漢文:千手千眼觀世音菩薩姥陀羅尼身經 藏文:spyan ras gzigs phyag stong spyan.....more
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滿文:wacir giyolonggo yoga min...
頂瑜伽千手千眼觀自在菩薩修行儀軌經 藏文:spyan ras gzigs phyag stong spyan stong gi sgrub thabs rnal.....more
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滿文:enduringge minggan galang...
廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經 藏文:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug phyag stong spyan stong.....more
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