搜尋:seeds 在 林業試驗所日治時期林業文獻 分類當中


篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of To-bacco mosaic virus in host plants,VIII. Supplement to report VII, with special reference to the seeds of infected plants

篇名:Serological studies on th...

To-bacco mosaic virus in host plants,VIII. Supplement to report VII, with special reference to the seeds.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of To-bacco mosaic virus in host plants,IX. General conclusion. Ad-dendum : Further comparative studies on the seeds of healthy and mosaic-infected tobacco plants

篇名:Serological studies on th...

mosaic virus in host plants,IX. General conclusion. Ad-dendum : Further comparative studies on the seeds.....more


seeds 在 林業試驗所日治時期林業文獻 分類當中 的相關搜尋