搜尋:islands 在 文獻 分類當中


篇名:澎湖諸島に起る魚類の凍死;Fatal Effect of Cold Weather upon certain Marine Fishes in the Sea around the Pescadores Islands.


in the Sea around the Pescadores Islands. 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v24 號次:n133 所在頁數:p.265-p.271 索書號:505.....more

篇名:New Trees form Botel Tabago and Kasyoto Islands

篇名:New Trees form Botel Taba...

(英文):Ryozo KANEHIRA & Syun'iti SASAKI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:New Trees form Botel Tabago and Kasyoto Islands.....more

篇名:Hymenoptera of the Bonin Islands

篇名:Hymenoptera of the Bonin ...

YASUMATSU 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Hymenoptera of the Bonin Islands 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v26 號次:n157 所在頁數:p.356-p.....more

篇名:Descriptions of two hispid-beetles, belonging to a new genus, from the south sea islands under japanese mandate (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae)

篇名:Descriptions of two hispi...

sea islands under japanese mandate (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v27 號次:n160 所在頁數:p.....more

篇名:Asellus from the Ryukyu Islands

篇名:Asellus from the Ryukyu I...

):Masuzo UÉNO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Asellus from the Ryukyu Islands 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v28 號次:n178 所在頁數:p.264-p.....more

篇名:蜂須賀正氏:The Birds of the Philippine Islands with Notes on the Mammal Fauna. H. F. & G. Witherby, London.

篇名:蜂須賀正氏:The Birds of ...

博物學會 篇名:蜂須賀正氏:The Birds of the Philippine Islands with Notes on the Mammal Fauna. H. F. & G.....more

篇名:Odonata taken by Mr. Y. AOKI from the Loo-Choo islands (including Amami-?shima)

篇名:Odonata taken by Mr. Y. A...

KOBAYASHI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Odonata taken by Mr. Y. AOKI from the Loo-Choo islands (including Amami.....more

篇名:Recent Madreporaria of Philippine Islands〈L. A. Faustino著〉

篇名:Recent Madreporaria of Ph...

-p.136 篇名:Recent Madreporaria of Philippine Islands〈L. A. Faustino著〉 文字 數位化執行單位:中華民國行政院農業委員會林業試驗所 典藏.....more

篇名:澎湖島の蜂類に就いて;Some Wasps and Bees of H?kot? (Pescadores Islands)


期:v19 號次:n105 所在頁數:p.533-p.540 篇名:澎湖島の蜂類に就いて;Some Wasps and Bees of Hôkotô (Pescadores Islands) 文字 數.....more


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