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共找到 3597 筆符合的資料
Multiplication Operators on An...
Yousefi, B. Khaksari, A. Multiplication Operators on Analytic Functional Spaces 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊.....more
- 1486/3597
Lineability, Spaceability, a...
Algebrability 國家圖書館 20090800 期刊論文 García-Pacheco, F. J. Martín, M. Seoane-Sepúlveda, J. B. Lineability.....more
- 1487/3597
Effect of Deep-Frying at Diffe...
. Jinap, S. Jamilah, B. Saleha, A. A. Effect of Deep-Frying at Different Temperature and Time.....more
- 1488/3597
How Organization Goals Affect ...
Shanks, Graeme Johnston, Robert B. How Organization Goals Affect Interorganization System Implementation.....more
- 1489/3597
Nondestructive Damage Detectio...
20081200 期刊論文 Hu, H.-W. Wu, C.-B. Nondestructive Damage Detection of Two Dimensional Plate Structures.....more
- 1490/3597
Prediction of Cutting Temperat...
20081200 期刊論文 Chang, C.-S. Lin, Y.-L. Hwang, B.-C. Prediction of Cutting Temperatures in Turning.....more
- 1491/3597
Intermittency of Target Fragme...
國家圖書館 20090800 期刊論文 Li, Jun-sheng Liu, Fu-hu Abd Allah, N. N. Zhang, Dong-hai Singh, B. K.....more
- 1492/3597
Mover Position Control of Line...
書館 20090300 期刊論文 Bousserhane, I. K. Hazzab, A. Rahli, M. Mazari, B. Kamli, M. Mover Position Control.....more
- 1493/3597
Die Natrliche Gotteserkenntnis...
20090900 期刊論文 Sala SJ, Giovanni B. Die Natürliche Gotteserkenntnis 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:哲學與文化 卷期:36:9=424.....more
- 1495/3597
Best Practices in Exploratory ...
, Jason W. Costello, Anna B. Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis: Four Recommendations.....more
- 1496/3597
On a Certain Hyperbolic Partia...
20090200 期刊論文 Pachpatte, B. G. On a Certain Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊.....more
- 1497/3597
Outbreak of Influenza A and B ...
-hui Tsai, Che-an Shi, Zhi-yuan Outbreak of Influenza A and B among Military Recruits: Evidence from.....more
- 1498/3597
太陽能發電 太陽能驅動 LED系統 國家圖書館 20090900 期刊論文 Green, Peter B. 由太陽能驅動的LED系統 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:零組件雜誌 卷期:215.....more
- 1499/3597
雍正 玻璃器 國家圖書館 20090900 期刊論文 E.B.庫爾提斯(Curtis, Emily Byrne) 優雅的化身--雍正朝玻璃器 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:故宮文物月刊 卷期.....more
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