搜尋:layer 在 莎草科 分類當中


Cyperus iria L. 碎米莎草

Cyperus iria L. 碎米莎草

layer, Loam soil, Low humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering & Fruiting 數量:Numerous 備註:田尾,清水橋附近農田;Glume 1.....more

Carex hattoriana Nakai ex Tuyama 服部氏二柱薹

Carex hattoriana Nakai ex Tuya...

M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Subtropical broad-leaf forest, Ground herbaceous layer, High humidity.....more

Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl. 竹子飄拂草

Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Va...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:175 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Tropical broad-leaf forest, Ground herbaceous layer, Middle.....more

Carex filicina Nees 蕨狀薹草

Carex filicina Nees 蕨狀薹草

' Chamaecyparis and broad forest' Virgin' Ground herbaceous layer' High humidity' Slightly shaded 物候:Flowering.....more

Carex filicina Nees 蕨狀薹草

Carex filicina Nees 蕨狀薹草

' Chamaecyparis and broad forest' Virgin' Ground herbaceous layer' High humidity' Slightly shaded 物候:Flowering.....more

Scleria terrestris (L.) Fassett 陸生珍珠茅

Scleria terrestris (L.) Fasset...

(台灣) 海拔:850 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Ground herbaceous layer, Loam soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候.....more


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