搜尋:path 在 莧科 分類當中


Deeringia polysperma (Roxb.) Miq. 多子漿果莧

Deeringia polysperma (Roxb.) M...

-600 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Mixed wood, Road/path side, Clay soil, Middle humidity, Slightly shaded.....more

Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G. Nicholson 毛蓮子草

Alternanthera bettzickiana (Re...

鄉), Taoyuan County(桃園縣), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:0-30 M 生育地環境:Road/path side 標本採集者:Chao-Chien.....more

Achyranthes bidentata Blume 牛膝

Achyranthes bidentata Blume 牛...

M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Road/path side 標本採集者:Chao-Chien Wang (王朝鍵), Chuan-Chieh Chen (陳傳杰) 採集號:468.....more

Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai 日本牛膝

Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Na...

(屏東縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:900 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Road/path side, Loam soil, Low humidity, Full sun 物候.....more

Aerva sanguinolenta Blume 絹毛莧

Aerva sanguinolenta Blume 絹毛...

地環境:Mountain slope, Road/path side, Loam soil, Low humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering and Fruiting 數量.....more

Achyranthes bidentata Blume var. japonica Miq. 日本牛膝

Achyranthes bidentata Blume va...

County(桃園縣)' Taiwan(台灣省)' Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:700-800 M 生育地環境:Road/path side 物候:Flowering and Fruiting 標本採集者.....more

Achyranthes aspera L. var. indica L. 印度牛膝

Achyranthes aspera L. var. ind...

(台灣省)' Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:700-800 M 生育地環境:Road/path side 物候:Fruiting 標本採集者:Zu-Wen Lee (李祖文)' Shan-Jye.....more

Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume 假川牛膝

Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume ...

.) Blume 假川牛膝 標本採集地點:Tien-mu ancient path (天母古道)' Taipei City(臺北市)' Taiwan(台灣省)' Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:300-320.....more

Achyranthes aspera L. var. rubro-fusca Hook. f. 紫莖牛膝

Achyranthes aspera L. var. rub...

forest' Road/path side 物候:Flowering and Fruiting 標本採集者:Shu-Chuan Liu (劉淑娟)' Ho-Ming Chang (張和明) 採集號.....more


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