搜尋:wang an 在 木蘭綱 分類當中


Prunus obtusata Koehne 臺灣椆李

Prunus obtusata Koehne 臺灣椆...

ownship(信義鄉), Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2680 M 備註:On roadside. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang.....more

Salix fulvopubescens Hayata 褐毛柳

Salix fulvopubescens Hayata 褐...

:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03150 英文 中文 270413 .....more

Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Muell. -Arg. 野桐

Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Mu...

灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:450-550 M 備註:On trailside. Tree about 5 m tall. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H.....more

Ecdysanthera rosea Hook. & Arn. 酸藤

Ecdysanthera rosea Hook. & Arn...

) 海拔:450-550 M 備註:On roadside. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03146 英文 中文 270410 .....more

Celtis formosana Hayata 石朴

Celtis formosana Hayata 石朴

. Tree about 6 m tall. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03138 英文 中文 270408 .....more

Cardamine scutata Thunb. var. roundiloba Hayata 臺灣碎米薺

Cardamine scutata Thunb. var. ...

), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2680 M 備註:On roadside, under forest. Flowers white. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美.....more

Hydrangea anomala D. Don 藤繡球

Hydrangea anomala D. Don 藤繡...

glabrous but with axillary hairs on undersurface. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03167 英文 中文.....more

Pyrola morrisonensis (Hayata) Hayata 玉山鹿蹄草

Pyrola morrisonensis (Hayata) ...

備註:On roadside, under forest. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03156 英文 中文 270417 .....more

Daphne arisanensis Hayata 阿里山瑞香

Daphne arisanensis Hayata 阿里...

. Flowers glabrous outside. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03160 英文 中文 270420 .....more

Mitella formosana (Hayata) Masamune 臺灣嗩吶草

Mitella formosana (Hayata) Mas...

備註:On roadside. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03159 英文 中文 270419 .....more

Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd. 大冷水麻

Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) We...

:On roadside of forest. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03161 英文 中文 270421 .....more

Mercurialis leiocarpa Sieb. & Zucc. 山靛

Mercurialis leiocarpa Sieb. & ...

. Flowers yellowish-green. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H. Tsai 採集號:03173 英文 中文 270423 .....more

Viola adenothrix Hayata 喜岩菫菜

Viola adenothrix Hayata 喜岩菫...

(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2550-2680 M 備註:Under forest. Flowers white. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王.....more

Impatiens walleriana Hook. f. 非洲鳳仙花

Impatiens walleriana Hook. f. ...

灣) 海拔:450-550 M 備註:Beside a trail. Herb, flowers purplish-red. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H.....more

Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter 雙花龍葵

Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bit...

) 海拔:450-550 M 備註:Beside a trail. Shrub, fruits red when mature. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), Y. H.....more


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