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Barthea barthei (Hance) Krass 深山野牡丹

Barthea barthei (Hance) Krass ...

:1500 M 標本採集者:Error Member Code: -1 採集號:s. n. 英文 中文 270257 .....more

Scrophularia yoshimurae Yamazaki 雙鋸葉玄參

Scrophularia yoshimurae Yamaza...

), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:1200 M 標本採集者:Sheng-You Lu (呂勝由) 採集號:12705 英文 中文 270261 .....more

Photinia niitakayamensis Hayata 玉山假沙梨

Photinia niitakayamensis Hayat...

山假沙梨 標本採集地點:Yuanyang Lake (鴛鴦湖), Datong Township (大同鄉), Ilan County (宜蘭縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:1500 M 標本採集.....more

Clematis parviloba Gardn. & Champ. subsp. bartlettii (Yamam.) T. Y. A. Yang & T. C. Huang 巴氏鐵線蓮

Clematis parviloba Gardn. & Ch...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2200 M 生育地環境:Pathside 備註:Woody vine, fr. with brown hairs. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈.....more

Aglaia chittagonga Miq. 蘭嶼樹蘭

Aglaia chittagonga Miq. 蘭嶼樹...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:180 M 備註:Pathside. Small tree, fl. pale yellow; seeds redded-orange. 1vs for SEM & LM. 標本.....more

Hemiboea bicornuta (Hayata) Ohwi 角桐草

Hemiboea bicornuta (Hayata) Oh...

M 生育地環境:Pathside 備註:台14甲15.5k;Herbaceous, fl. white. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈) 採集號:09757.....more

Codonacanthus pauciflorus Nees 針刺草

Codonacanthus pauciflorus Nees...

) 海拔:60-80 M 備註:Soil slope, below the brige, under forest. Herb, fl. white. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang.....more

Strobilanthes cusia (Nees) Kuntze. 馬藍

Strobilanthes cusia (Nees) Kun...

:2200 M 生育地環境:Pathside 備註:Herbaceous, 60 cm, fl. pale purple. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈) 採集號.....more

Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zucc. 紅楠

Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zu...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:180 M 備註:Pathside. Small tree, fl. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), Y. C.....more

Hedyotis coreana H. Lév. 脈耳草

Hedyotis coreana H. Lév...

) 海拔:0 M 備註:Seashore, on rock. Herb, fl. white, ca. 0.3 cm diam. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), C.....more

Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urban. 賽山藍

Blechum pyramidatum (Lam.) Urb...

拔:20 M 備註:東60線32km。Roadside, forest margin. Herb, fl. white. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), C. N.....more

Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal 羊不食

Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal 羊不...

:Hongtou Village紅頭村, 漁人社區, Lanyu Township(蘭嶼鄉), Taitung County(臺東縣), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:0 M 備註.....more

Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb. 草木犀

Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb. 草...

:Hongtou Village紅頭村, 漁人社區, Lanyu Township(蘭嶼鄉), Taitung County(臺東縣), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:0 M.....more

Scoparia dulcis L. 野甘草

Scoparia dulcis L. 野甘草

:Peipu Village (北埔村), Sincheng Township (新城鄉), Hualien County (花蓮縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:10 M 備註:On roadside.....more

Ampelopsis cantoniensis (Hook. & Arn.) Planch. var. lecoides (Maxim.) Lu 大葉廣東山葡萄

Ampelopsis cantoniensis (Hook....

地點:Lienhuachih (蓮華池), Yuchih Township (魚池鄉), Nantou County (南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:715 M 備註:Roadside.....more


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