搜尋:pale green 在 木蘭植物門 分類當中


Ostrya virginiana (Mill) K. Koch.

Ostrya virginiana (Mill) K. Ko...

. 12 m high; bark platy and exfoliating plates or scales ; leaves dull green; fruit pale green.....more

Malus sp.

Malus sp.

of Richmond Hill, north of Toronto City. Tree. Fruits pale green, tinged with pale red. 標本採集者:Tetsuya.....more

Impatiens sp.

Impatiens sp.

候:Flowering and Fruiting 備註:Gregarious ' about 1.3 m tall. Flowers pale yellow. Caulis pale green. 標.....more

Salix sp.

Salix sp.

:Tree. Scales pale brown outside' pale whitish-green inside. 標本採集者:Tetsuya Kawasaki 採集號:1608 英文 中文.....more

Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. ex Redoute. 桔梗蘭

Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC. ex...

. ex Redoute. 桔梗蘭 標本採集地點:Tarshan(塔山), Chiayi County(嘉義縣), Taiwan(台灣) 備註:Flowers pale blue, fruit.....more

Ostrya virginiana (mill.) K. Koch. var glandulosa (spach. ) sarg.

Ostrya virginiana (mill.) K. K...

,leaves dull green; fruit pale yellow-green 標本採集者:Annette Logan 採集號:317 英文 中文 053772 .....more

Alloteropsis semialata (R. Br.) Hitchc. 毛穎草

Alloteropsis semialata (R. Br....

:Roadside 物候:Fruiting 備註:Fl. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), T. S. Hsieh, G. H. Wang, S. P.....more

Cyclea insularis (Makino) Hatusima 蘭嶼土防己

Cyclea insularis (Makino) Hatu...

拔:10 M 備註:東清,東60線27 km;Roadside. Herbaceous vine, fl. pale green(雌花);一份入自然學友之家。 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Yang.....more

Achyranthes bidentata Blume var. japonica Miq. 日本牛膝

Achyranthes bidentata Blume va...

, climbing, 2 m, fl. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), Hsing-Wu Hou (侯星武) 採集號:13428 英文 中文 293428 .....more

Memecylon lanceolatum Blanco 革葉羊角扭

Memecylon lanceolatum Blanco ...

:325 M 備註:天池邊;Forest margin, beside ditch. Tree, 2-4 m, fl. purple, fr. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu.....more

Polygonum barbatum L. 毛蓼

Polygonum barbatum L. 毛蓼

:On roadside 物候:Flowering 備註:Perennial ascending herbs, to 100cm tall. Flowers white to pale green. 標本採集者.....more

Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zucc. 紅楠

Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zu...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:180 M 備註:Pathside. Small tree, fl. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), Y. C.....more

Symplocos sp.

Symplocos sp.

候:Flowering 備註:Petals White' anthers yellowish- White' filaments white' style white' stigma pale.....more


pale green 在 木蘭植物門 分類當中 的相關搜尋