搜尋:ne 在 鱗毛蕨科 分類當中


Peranema cyatheoides D. Don 柄囊蕨

Peranema cyatheoides D. Don 柄...

in broad-leaved forest. Haulien County: trail heading NE from NW end of Highway 8 (near km 112.....more

Peranema cyatheoides D. Don 柄囊蕨

Peranema cyatheoides D. Don 柄...

in broad-leaved forest. Haulien County: trail heading NE from NW end of Highway 8 (near km 112.....more

Polystichum acanthophyllum (Franch.) Christ

Polystichum acanthophyllum (Fr...

:Epipetric, near tunnel entrance. Haulien County: trail heading NE from NW end of Highway 8 (near km.....more

Dryopteris cacaina Tagawa

Dryopteris cacaina Tagawa

-leaved forest. Unusually small specimen. Haulien County: trail heading NE from NW end of Highway 8.....more

Arachniodes rhomboides (Wall.) Ching 斜方複葉耳蕨

Arachniodes rhomboides (Wall.)...

' In the scared tree grove 物候:Sporing 備註:Lalashan Nature Preserve. NE of Shangpaling. Terrestrial' rhizome.....more

Polystichum nepalense (Sprengel) C. Chr. 軟骨耳蕨

Polystichum nepalense (Sprenge...

註:Rupestral, along stream in broad-leaved forest. Haulien County: trail heading NE from NW end.....more


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