搜尋:highway 在 菊科 分類當中


拉丁學名:Solidago rugosa Mill

拉丁學名:Solidago rugosa Mill...

of Jennerstown on US Highway 29 plants common. 編目號:TAIM-H004658 .....more

拉丁學名:Eupatorium rugosum Houtt.

拉丁學名:Eupatorium rugosum H...

Darlington-Rector Road (PA Road 64060) ' ca 8.0 km NNW of PA Highway 711; plants in flower and fruit.....more

拉丁學名:Solidago rugosa Mill

拉丁學名:Solidago rugosa Mill...

NNE of Donegal (boro) and ca. 0.8 km W of PA Highway 711; wet; fen area; plants up to 1.1 m tall.....more

拉丁學名:Solidago caesia L.

拉丁學名:Solidago caesia L.

Powdermill Run near cab-in 3; ca 11.0 km NNE of Kregar (boro) on PA Highway 381 and ca. 13.0 km SSW.....more

拉丁學名:Solidago canadensis L.

拉丁學名:Solidago canadensis ...

Dorlington-Rector Road (PA Road 54060). Ca. 8.0 km NNW of PA Highway 711; ca. 1.0-1.5m tall; flowenring.....more


highway 在 菊科 分類當中 的相關搜尋