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共找到 13228 筆符合的資料
斑帶吻?虎(Rhinogobius maculaf...
maculafasciatus) 台灣俗名:苦甘仔、狗甘仔 引用文獻:Chen, I.-S. and K.-S. Shao 1996 ((in press)) A taxonomic.....more
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台灣吻?虎(Rhinogobius nagoyae...
-328, Pls. 48-53. 型態特徵:背鰭VI , I-8;臀鰭I , 7~9;胸鰭19~21;腹鰭I , 5;縱列鱗32~34;橫列鱗11~13;背鰭前鱗9~14.....more
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南台吻?虎(Rhinogobius nantaie...
nantaiensis) 台灣俗名:苦甘仔、狗甘仔 引用文獻:Aonuma, Y. and I.-S. Chen 1996 (June) Two new species.....more
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北梭魚(Albula glossodonta)
auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164.....more
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台灣石?(Acrossocheilus paradox...
Museum. Cat. Fishes v. 7: i-xx + 1-512. 型態特徵:背鰭3 , 8;臀鰭3 , 5;側線鱗39~42;鰓耙9~15;咽頭齒5.3.2.....more
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短吻小鰾鮈(Microphysogobio bre...
: i-xx + 1-512. 型態特徵:背鰭3 , 7;臀鰭2 , 6;胸鰭1 , 12;腹鰭1 , 7;咽頭齒4-4;側線鱗38~40;側線下鱗2。 .....more
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台灣石鮒(Paracheilognathus him...
. Fishes v. 7: i-xx + 1-512. 型態特徵:背鰭2 , 8~9;臀鰭2 , 10~12;腹鰭1 , 6;鰓耙數10;咽頭齒5-5;側線鱗33~35.....more
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粗首?(Zacco pachycephalus)
]... Halosauridae, in the colelction of the British Museum. Cat. Fishes v. 7: i-xx + 1-512.....more
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中華花鰍(Cobitis sinensis)
) v. 1 (art. 5): 1-18. 型態特徵:背鰭3 , 7;臀鰭3 , 5;胸鰭1 , 8~9;腹鰭I , 6~7;脊椎骨數42~43 體延長,側扁。背緣及腹緣平直.....more
- 3399/13228
大口湯鯉(Kuhlia rupestris)
. Poiss. v. 4: i-xliv + 1-728, Pl. 1-16. [Publication date: Hureau & Monod 1973.....more
- 3400/13228
黑邊?(Leiognathus splendens)
'anatomie compar?e. Edition 2. R?gne Animal (ed. 2) v. 2: i-xv + 1-406.....more
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短棘?(Leiognathus equulus)
鰏科 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993) 臺灣淡水及河口魚類誌(陳及方, 1999) 魚類名錄 學名命名者:(Forssk?l, 1775) 陳義雄 短棘鰏(Leiognathus equulus) .....more
- 3402/13228
斑雞魚(Pomadasys maculatus)
. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 7: i-xiv + 1-144, Pls. 325-360. [Also a French edition.....more
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金錢魚(Scatophagus argus)
~18;臀鰭IV , 14~15;胸鰭17;腹鰭I , 5;側線鱗85~120。 體略呈橢圓形,側扁而高,尾柄短而截平。頭較小,頭背高斜,在眼上方略凹.....more
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黑鯛(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)
. Tijdschr. Neder. Indi? v. 6: 395-426. 型態特徵:背鰭XI-XII, 11;臀鰭III, 8;胸鰭15;腹鰭I.....more
- 3405/13228