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共找到 30253 筆符合的資料
裸頸縞?虎(Tridentiger nudicer...
nudicervicus) 台灣俗名:甘仔魚、狗甘仔 引用文獻:Tomiyama, I. 1934 (Dec.) Four new species of gobies of Japan. J.....more
- 9721/30253
蓋斑鬥魚(Macropodus operculari...
characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima.....more
- 9722/30253
虎齒楊氏?虎(Yongeichthys cani...
e. Acanthopt廨ygiens ?pectorales p嶮icul嶪s. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 12: i-xxiv.....more
- 9723/30253
雲紋楊氏?虎(Yongeichthys nebu...
mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164.....more
- 9724/30253
:體長圓而側扁。頭大。吻長。眼大。D. VII-I,9;A. II,8;P. 14;Pred.S. 3;Ll. 24;Tr. 2/6;GR. (3)2+1+(3); HL. 2.80;BD. 3.05.....more
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鱗列 3-4。D. III+XIII-XIV(XIII)+9-10(10);A. I+19-20(19);P. ii-iii+4-8+vi-vii(iii+6+vii); L.l. 17-19+16.....more
- 9727/30253
科中文名:鯉科 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 Chen, I-S. , J.-H. Wu, and S.-P. Huang 2009 The taxonomy and phylogeny.....more
- 9729/30253
.tw) 型態特徵:體狹長;體被櫛鱗;側線完全。具大犬齒和上主上頜骨;鋤骨和口蓋骨有齒;鋤骨後面有一至四較大齒,有時口蓋骨前端也有大齒;尾鰭呈叉狀。D. VI-I,9.....more
- 9730/30253
海鰱(Elops machnata)
auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164, map 型態特徵:背.....more
- 9731/30253
虱目魚(Chanos chanos)
edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164, map. 型態特徵:背鰭.....more
- 9732/30253
漢氏稜鯷(Thryssa hamiltonii)
. Illus. Indian Zool.. Pls. 1-202. 型態特徵:背鰭I , 12;臀鰭36~42;胸鰭12~14;腹鰭7;縱列鱗37~45;橫列鱗10~12;腹稜鱗23~26。體延長.....more
- 9733/30253
百吉海鰻(Muraenesox bagio)
found in the river Ganges and its branches. Edinburgh & London. Fishes Ganges: i-vii + 1.....more
- 9734/30253
) 型態特徵:體長圓而側扁。頭大。吻長。眼大。主上頜骨達瞳孔中央下方;第一背鰭之第II硬棘極長。鱗不易脫落;尾叉狀。D. VII-I,9;A. II. 8;P. 12-13;Pred. S. 6-7.....more
- 9735/30253